Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Important Computer Gk Questions

1. What is the name of Encyclopedia stared by
Google ?
Answer: Knol

2. Who is the Father of super computer ?
Answer: Seymour Cray 

3. Who is the father of Indian Super Computer ?
Answer: Vijay Bhatkar 

4. Which is the India's First Super Computer ?
Answer: PARAM 8000 

5. Which is worlds Fastest super Computer ?
Answer: Titan (IBM Sequoia is now in second place) 

6. Which Company is known as Big Blue ?
Answer: IBM 

7. Who is the first computer programmer ?
Answer: Ada King 

8. Who built Mechanical analog computer ?
Answer: Lord Kelvin 

9. Who wrote the book Business @ the speed of
thought ?
Answer: Bill Gates 

10. Who is the Father of Cellular Phone ?
Answer: Martin Cooper

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